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Thursday, December 29, 2022   /   by Ameil Gill


STOP scrolling if you are thinking about buying or selling!

Interest rates are rising, and yes, they are higher than they were a few months ago, however, my advice to you: block out the noise! Whatever your reason for buying or selling, what really matters is putting your money into a place where you will be living YOUR life. The best time to buy or sell is when YOU ARE READY.

Too often are we listening to the thoughts and opinions of others that we forget what’s really important to us — your quality of life is key … and your home is one of the most influential parts of your life and your happiness.

If you’re experiencing any of these, then it might be time to really think about how you can take advantage of the current opportunities in the market:

• Many “multi-purpose” rooms, or clutter
• In need of another space for entertaining / kids taking over the house
• Kids or pets needs more activity / yard
• Unhappy with your current neighborhood
• Cramped / shared bathrooms
• Need a designated home office, gym, etc.

It’s never too late and it’s never too soon to consider taking action on improving your quality of life, which then increases your productivity at work and overall daily joy.

No matter the time of year, I’m here to help you realize your real estate goals. Remember, there’s never a “bad” time to buy or sell — so long as you know in your mind and heart, “It’s time!” So let’s grab a coffee and chat about what your options are in today’s market.